Portrait Drawings in Pastel Media
My portrait drawings may be done either in the three-color “trois crayons” technique, using sanguine red pastel, black and white, or in a fuller range of pastel pencil colors. They may be done on white or toned acid-free paper, or over a watercolor wash or other prepared surface.
Please click below to play a slide show of examples.
All images on this website are copyrighted by Sandra J. Cohen.
Drawing 1 - pastel pencils on toned, sanded paper
Drawing 2 - graphite on cream paper
Drawing 3 - three colors over watercolor wash
Drawing 4 - pastels over gesso wash
Drawing 5 - pastel pencils, charcoal over watercolor wash
Drawing 6 - charcoal over gesso wash
Drawing 7 - charcoal and pastel pencils on toned paper
Drawing 8 - pastel pencils, charcoal, on toned paper
Drawing 9 - pastel pencils on toned paper
Drawing 10 - Charcoal and Pastel over wash
Drawing 11 - pastel pencils, charcoal, white chalk on toned paper
Drawing 12 - pastel pencils on prepared paper
Drawing 13 - Conté and charcoal on toned paper
Drawing 14 - Charcoal on prepared paper
Drawing 15 - charcoal and chalk on toned paper
Drawing 16 - Conté on toned paper, other pastel touches
Drawing 17 - Conte and pastel pencils over prepared surface
Drawing 18 - Conte and charcoal on toned paper